Welcome to Nine Hungarian Dogs

  • Heinbucher 1700s

    Bikkessy, 1700s

  • Pethe/Rieder 1815

    Rieder, 1815

  • Wagner 1885

    Wagner, 1885

  • Stamp 1956

    Stamp, 1956

  • Buzady

    Buzady, 1990

  • Buzady

    Jávorszky, 2014

Kuvasz | Kuvasz


Canis familiaris undulans hungaricus

Guarding Dog

The Kuvasz was said to be the king’s guard dog. The Kuvasz is an ancient breed specifically used to guard livestock, primarily horses.


It is believed that the Kuvasz is one of the oldest Hungarian dog breeds. A fossil found in Keszthely-Fenékpuszta, Hungary in 1978 was identified as a Kuvasz skeleton from the late 9th century. It is theorized that the Kuvasz originated in Mesopotamia by the clay boards excavated in the Sumerian city of Kish. The pot displays the words "Ku Assa." When the Sigima people reached the Carpathian Basin about 3,000 years ago, they possibly brought their fine white sheepdogs from present-day Kurdish territory in Turkey.

The incoming Magyar tribes might have found Kuvasz-type dogs in the plains and mountains. Early settlers needed a dog to protect them from human and animal enemies. The Kuvasz can bear extreme weather conditions. This was a necessity because of shepherds’ free ranching style. This meant livestock was grazing from field to field and spending an entire season away from home base. The Kuvasz was also used for hunting boars and bison. Royal families adored their brave hunting style, and they were often gifted as pups. King Mátyás I (1443–1490) always kept a few Kuvasz around to protect him during an uprising.

About Us

The Nine Hungarian Dogs project is evolved from the requirements of University of Baltimore's MFA/ID Thesis assignment.

© 2015 Nine Hungarian Dogs. All rights reserved.